The conflict in this was whose life to be saved and in both the situations, mother decided to save the life of her child.
The lead is written by Louise Erdrich. This is about how thankful and grateful the narrator is to her mother for the life that she has given to the narrator.
The conflict in this is the choice to be made on whose life has to be saved which comes twice in the lesson. First it comes when the mother of the narrator is pregnant but still is working with her father in a circus, an accident occurred where she saved her child and not the father. Next time it occurred when their house was on fire and she decided again to save her child's life over her.
Pastoral Poem is much like it sounds: poetry that has to do with pastures and in some pastures, there are sheep tended by the shepherds....
Option 1
The order of facts in the given paragraph are as follows -
a) The female hornbill lays eggs in a hollow tree
b) Male then covers the opening by plastering it with mud
c) Male gives food to young ones through a hole.
d) Female stays in the cell like compound for three weeks until the young ones are big enough.
Considering the above flow of facts, option 1 is the most appropriate answer
D) The lines show a cause and effect.
The chipmunk ran quickly across the rain-slicked boulder which caused it to slide into the grass. The cause was the chipmunk running quickly, and the effect was sliding into the grass.
Amber, there was mosquito trapped in it, It had the Dino-DNA.