3 steps to resolving conflict
Listen to understand. Meet with each person on their own to understand what their issues are. ...
Meet to discuss the key issues. Organise a meeting of yourself and the two people in a neutral and confidential environment. ...
Hold follow-up review meetings
That is true. Because you will not comprehend what the sentence/ words are saying, because you only care about getting it written down. So multitasking reading and writing at the same time is not a good idea :)
One morning, I woke up and thought to do something instead of sitting around. I had gotten a message from my best friend saying that a new haunted house was open. I told him that I'd go. Once we got there, no one was there. It started raining. We went inside and heard footsteps. I didn't know what it was because again, there was no one there. After a little bit of investigating, I found out that there was a box under a wooden plank near the footsteps. I opened the box, only to see a picture. In a split second, my friend was on the ground, grappling a mysterious creature. I said that we had to leave immediately, and not try to fight. He refused. He managed to throw the creature in a locker as we ran as fast as we could away from that house. When we arrived at my place, we observed the picture more closely. I will never forget this image.
The jury’s decision to convict Tom Robinson for a crime he clearly did not commit plagues Jem (and many readers) as an intolerable miscarriage of justice. The most obvious reason justice isn’t served is because the jury’s overwhelming racism prevents Tom from getting a fair trial. Another reason the jury finds Tom guilty is because both Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, both perjured themselves on the stand. In addition to the presumption of an impartial jury, the justice system operates on the assumption that witnesses will tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” after being sworn in to testimony. But both Mayella and Bob lied rather than admit that Mayella tried to kiss Tom. Tom’s race, combined with the Ewells’ lies, proved enough for the racist jury to find Tom guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of Tom’s innocence.