Both poems are complimentary, paying tribute to loved ones.
I Would say it's robert la follette
Es esta
Tras aprobarse una serie de sanciones, Estados Unidos comenzó a enviar tropas a Arabia Saudí, liderando una poderosa coalición con la finalidad de liberar Kuwait y de hacer respetar el derecho internacional.
the Cold War is a conflict between the Communist nations led by the Soviet Union and the democratic nations led by the United States. The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc the Soviet Union and its satellite states and powers in the Western Block the United States its nato allies and others. Historians do not fully agree on the dates, but a common timeframe is the period between 1947 the year the Truman Doctrine a US foreign policy pledging to aid nations threatened by Soviet expansionism was announced and 1991 the year the Soviet Union fell.
George III became king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1760 following his grandfather George II's death.