It was just like any other morning. It was hot and the sun was gleaming. I was at a water park with my friends. Fast forward to 2 hours later, we are all getting ready to swim in the pool. This was going to be our first time swimming! Then suddenly, splash! I had slipped by accident, and before I knew it, I was in the deep end of the pool. Being 6 feet below, I couldn't get up and all I could see was leaves. Four minutes passed by as if they were years and I was just struggling to save my life. As time went by, the harder it became to try and make it out alive. No one could swim towards me. My life flashed before my eyes. Seeing my sister all alone made my stomach knot, and seeing my parents mourn over me was terrifying. The only thing I was thinking of was how I wanted to just be with them again, but soon I lost my strength and gave up. I started to become unconscious. The world went blurry as my eyes closed and the black blanket of darkness surrounded me. Time had stopped and I was stuck in its trap. I wanted to scream but I was paralyzed and frozen. All I want is just to go home.
It was just like any other morning. It was hot and the sun was gleaming. I was at a water park, having fun with my friends. After 2 hours and we are all getting ready to swim in the pool. It was our first time swimming. I walked by the edges of the pool, going to the lowest part of the pool. The floor looked slippery and I guess wasn’t very careful and I slipped by accident. Before I knew it, I was in the deep end, 6 feet. I couldn't move or get up. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t breathe, and all I could see was leaves. I was in there for a good 4 minutes struggling to save my life. No one could swim towards me. My life flashed before my eyes. Seeing my sister all alone knotted my stomach. Seeing my mother and father mourn terrified me. I thought of how I would survive until I gave up. I couldn’t hold my breath anymore so I closed my eyes and inhaled all the water until I became unconscious. Everything was pitch black. It was about 5 minutes after when I heard the sound of sirens, crying, screaming and my parents voice. I slowly open my eyes and I was being carried out to the Ambulance.