A. Annual Percentage Rate tells you how much your credit card interest will be if you only pay the minimum balance each month. This is the most appropriate choice because the membership fee, the balance transfer fee, and the late fee do not give any information about the interest rate or amount<span>. Those fees show information about the related cost from the credit card usage.</span>
Ronald Reagan (the candidate of the republican party) defeated former vice president Walter Mondale (the candidate of the democratic party) in the 1984 presidential elections.
<span>In most states the governor has broad power of clemency meaning he can do all except "sentence" people accused of crimes, since this can only be done by a court. </span>
<span>The power given to national government through constitution
is called Delegated Power, or Enumerated Power. These are the powers granted to
federal government in section 8, Article I of the constitution. According to
these issuing currency, commerce regulations, war declaration, armed forces maintenance
and some powers related to Post Office are the jurisdiction of national
government. </span>