Numbers are infinite there’s no stop to them
1. Unos hombres
2. Una maleta
3. Un joven
4. El País
5. Unos lápices
bdhehdjejdjdjdjdjdjdjdjfjdjfjfjfjfkfkfjhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhfhfhrhrhdh dismemberment cyberspace
First and last names help us identify and differentiate ourselves from the rest. In the case of surnames, many consider it a legacy left by our parents and for which we are obliged to honor them, since it represents a whole family. However, there was a time when they did not exist and it was only enough to have a name.
In ancient times, human beings were organized in small villages, so they knew each other and it was not necessary to offer more than a name to refer to someone. In the Middle Ages, larger cities and towns with large populations began to form, so it became necessary to better differentiate people, at which time the surnames appear.
Initially, the surnames corresponded to the place of origin of the person, his trade or to distinctive physical characteristics. In the case of the nobles, they adopted the last name of their dynasty or could keep that of some conquered territory, as a way of showing domination.