The Crusades
With the Seijuk Turks of central Asia bearing down on Constantinople, Emperor Alexius I turned to the West for help, resulting in the declaration of “holy war” by Pope Urban II at Clermont, France, that began the First Crusade
Kenya has safari tours, South Africa mesmerized you with its array of undisturbed natural beauty, South Africa is also safer and its better for families, Kenya is smaller than South Africa, you also would need vaccines for Kenya
Growing a surplus of food
using irrigation in farming
trading between city-States
being located near rivers
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United States of America, Australia and New Zealand have the lowest rates of tuberculosis.
The United States of America, Australia and New Zealand are the countries having the lowest rates of Tuberculosis cases. In these countries the incident rate is less than 10 cases per 100,000 population per year. The main reason for this lower rates of tuberculosis are the care and safety measure taken by these countries when this disease happens. These countries have the best equipment and technologies which can reduces or prevent the spread of tuberculosis disease.