Daniel Samper, en el escrito, está usando la ironía para hacer una crítica tanto de la conducta de la sociedad, como del estado.
Critica a la sociedad al resaltar como el 9 de abril, que empezó como una revuelta popular causada por el asesinato de Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, terminó con muchas personas saqueando establecimientos de comercio.
Critica al estado al resaltar que en Colombia, aún hay zonas a donde no llega la electricidad, por lo que personas que hurtaron electrodomésticos el 9 de abril, aún no han podido estrenarlos ya que no cuentan con servicio eléctrico.
The Great Compromise solved issues between states with small populations and states with large populations.
The Great Compromise was developed at the Constitutional Convention and helped in creating the modern day structure of Congress. In this deal, both states with small populations and large populations got something they wanted. For example, the Senate would be composed of 2 Senators from each state, regardless of their states population. This helped to ensure that smaller states had a voice in the creation of federal laws.
On the other hand, the House of Representatives would have the number of representatives based on a states population. The greater the population, the more representatives. This made larger states happy, as they felt this accurately represented the power they should have in Congress.
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To silence critics of the war effort
The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited individuals from interferring with American military operations, including recruitment. It also prohibited an American Citizens from supporting enemy countries during World War I.
Several people, including German immigrants, labor leaders, socialists, and communists, were targeted and affected by the act.
The Sedition Act of 1918 expanded the powers of the Espionage Act, making it illegal to express a negative opinion about the American war effort.
This Act was repealed in 1920, after the war ended, while the Espionage Act is still in place.
temporarily closed banking operations to prevent
further economic damage- Emergency Banking Act