<span>The difference between generative writing and drafting is:
generative writing brings up ideas, drafting develops one idea.
generative writing develops one idea, drafting revises the idea.
generative writing is more specific than drafting.
generative writing is done with more precision than drafting</span>
Generative writing brings up ideas, drafting develops an idea.
Generative writing refers to the generation of ideas that includes brainstorming of different ideas while drafting includes the shaping of an idea or development of a specific idea to write upon and carry forward the process of writing. The basic distinction among the two is that generative writing includes the gathering of ideas and selection of the topic to write upon on the other hand, drafting includes the preparation(development) of a preliminary report of a specific idea.
Meaning: "Reeling" refers to the dizzy, staggering quality of a person's walk when they are drunk. "Pickled" is a slang term for drunkenness which is derived from the idea of being soaked in a liquid - in this case, alcohol.