Vectors aren’t made of pixels so it could be scaled to any size and not look quality
Answer: A. the simplicity and beauty of middle-class life.
This painting is representing the simplicity and beauty of middle-class life and also important, everyday life of one maid in France. This is simple work that is representing how the maid is feeling after coming back from the market. Her face is plain but also we cannot see any stress from it and that is why this painting is representing the beauty of normal and everyday life.
That is why other answers are not correct, it does not represent any struggle or something bad and poor about her life.
Song: This is America
The meaning was stated to be that in America gun violence has become terrible at this point and the community impacted the most by this is lower income African American communities living in America. This is the meaning from the musician Donald Glover who is also known as Childish Gambino.
A diegetic piece of music is meant to characterize or emphasize some part of the film. It should be used sparingly.
A score is a piece of incidental music to act as a background. If it is continuous, it can destroy the mood as it competes with what is going on in the film.
The statement can be true.