Earth's inner core is solid even though the temperature is so high because the pressure is also very high.
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is due to changes in atmospheric chemistry. This is as a result of both natural
and human activities such as industrial emission of gases in one location than
the other or even the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted in the atmosphere.
This may cause differences in average yearly temperature for different
locations. Also, natural changes in the sun which affect the amount of incoming
solar radiation may also be responsible for these differences.</span>
When the direct rays of the Sun hit the equator, it is either the Vernal (Spring) Equinox or the Autumnal Equinox, when there are 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness in one 24 hour day.
<span>When the direct rays of the Sun hit the Tropic of Cancer it is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The day of the year with the most sunlight hours in the Northern Hemisphere, and the least sunlight hours in the Southern Hemisphere. </span>
<span>When the direct rays of the Sun hit the Tropic of Capricorn it is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The day of the year with the least sunlight hours in the Northern Hemisphere, and the most sunlight hours in the Southern Hemisphere.