Arn manages to be invisible by avoiding interaction as much as he can, and by doing things the Khmer Rouge would like. For instance, when in line for the Khmer Rouge to check people’s skin color, Arn rubs dirt on his face so he will look darker like one of them. That kept him a bit more invisible and alive for another day. He also uses this trick to make sure people who know him do not interact with him. A personal discussion could also lead to your death.
Being successful is about learning from the mistakes you have made, hence not making it again as you have learnt your lesson and in keeping with that make better decisions next time.
What i do in a week?
well it usually consists of completeing all of my school work.Then around two each week I will go hangout with my friends in my neighborhood.We usually always play football because their mostly boys.Then around 5:00 every tuesday and thursday i will go to softball practice for my travel team.Then on weekends i usually have out of state games so we have long drives.
bueno, por lo general consiste en completar todo mi trabajo escolar. Luego, alrededor de dos a la semana, voy a pasar el rato con mis amigos en mi vecindario. Por lo general, siempre jugamos al fútbol porque la mayoría son niños. Luego, alrededor de las 5:00 todos los martes y jueves iré a la práctica de softbol para mi equipo de viaje. Luego, los fines de semana, generalmente tengo juegos fuera del estado, por lo que tenemos viajes largos
Answer: Thanks for the points