The correct use of images, symbols and word play will be vital to create, and promote, a readers suspension and disbelief. These images, the environment of suspense created by them, and the words used by a writer, will enhance this suspension and this disbelief. In literature this is vital as it is one way in which a writer will be able to maintain a reader´s interest in the story. Without this, the emotional and sensible part of the reader will not be engaged and soon interest will fall. But through the use of suspensful words, and images, as well as the use of symbols that create a sense of wonder, and leave the reader wishing for more, the writer promotes that sense of suspension and disbelief.
Alice Walker published "Everyday Use" in 1973, in the early years of the Afrocentrism movement in America. This social movement examined the European cultural dominance over nonwhites and led to a renewed interest in and embrace of traditional African culture as a form of self-determination.
Dee's decision to take the name Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo, she explains to her mother, is because she "couldn't bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me." The shedding of European names in favor of African or African-sounding names became popular during the civil rights and black power periods in America that occurred around the time Walker published the story.
Dee/Wangero is actively pursuing her own cultural identity as a modern African American woman, and part of the process for her involves ridding herself of her birth name. Dee/Wangero's mother likes the colorful dress and jewelry she wears, and she offers to go along with her daughter's new name. When she denies Wangero...
We need to know your answer to Part A to answer that question.
A region's legislature represents all laws that must be followed, exactly as they were written, to promote justice and respect for the right of every citizen. The certainty that this legislature will be followed to the letter is reinforced by the establishment of tribunals, which will inspect and judge cases where these laws may have been violated.
The main interest in this system is to maintain equality and justice among human beings, where everyone must be treated as an equal in freedom and respect for rights and privileges.