In the two poems, the journey is a metaphor for life and passage into afterlife. In Ulysses Tennyson talks about how his life is nearing its end and how he's old now while in crossing the bar he talks about dying and going into afterlife. Both poems use the motif of journey on open seas to describe venturing into the unknown, that is, how life passes quickly as a journey does and the next stop on the journey is afterlife.
The candidate had to be trained as a scholar and then pass a series of written examinations. The Chinese civil service system, established in 124 B.C.E., required potential officials to be trained as scholars and then pass rigorous examinations to qualify for office.
He wasnt an actor, he was a priest.
1. Food
2. Clothes
3. Warmth for there houses.
The horse changed there lives because it was easier for them now to capture buffaloe more often and efficiently
A) the exclusive sings legislation into law.
D) the exclusive has an indefinite term in office.
E) the executive conduct diplomatic relations with out reliance on other branches.