Because the news is more eaiser to spread and more people are on the internet these days so they will notice the human rights violations and more people will talk about it.
Why does the postman compare watching TV to a game of peek a boo? A. because each is easily accessible.
The lines "State your argument concisely in the thesis statement." and "Connect ideas using transitional words and phrases" are the two instructions that are required to write a strong essay.
As a strong essay must have good, valid, clear and concise arguments to express your view on the topic.
And having a well connected essay with well connected ideas by using transitional words and phrases keeps the interest of the reader alive and doesn't confuse the reader about your purpose and expression on the topic of the essay.
Quickly would be the adverb adverbs can usually end with ly
- formal tone
- use of the third-person rather than first-person perspective (usually)
- a clear focus on the research problem under investigation, and precise word choice