Susan B. Anthony was a social reformer and women's rights activist who devoted her time to the women's suffrage movement.
The Great Leap Forward
Mao Zedong was the chairman of Communist Party of china (CPC) since its establishment in 1949 until 1976.
It was five year plan 1958-62 to industrialise china in the shortest amount of time and was aimed at producing mass amount of steel and grain. It was started in 1958 by Mao Zedong but the plan failed to industrialise the Chinese economy and thousand of Chinese were killed.
Commune was at the centre of the plan, a commune was combination of smaller farm collectives and had 4000-5000 households.
A, B, D
A, yes Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 causing Britain and France to declare war.
B is true, Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement failed to stop Nazi Germany form invading Poland
C is false, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were allies.
D is true, Imperial Japan launched a attack on Pearl Harbor that led to the United States declaring war on the Axis powers.
Answer: A. Antisemitism
Explanation: Definition: hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people