Checks and balances, principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power. Checks and balances are applied primarily in constitutional governments.
claiming that the boundary was the Nueces River to the northeast of the Rio Grande, considered the advance of Taylor's army an act of aggression
Discuss Alexander Hamilton's economic/financial policy ideas for the new government. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's ideas of the purpose of government and his political philosophy. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's three reports, the policies advocated in each, and the results of his overall program. How did this affect developments of constitutional interpretation? What did this have to do with the developing political parties? What did this have to do with securing the nation?
The Battle of Britain began when Germany resorted to
launching its air force against the British.
Through bombings and air raids, the British retaliated by meeting the
Germans in the air where the British successfully clashed with the Germans and
in the end the British prevailed.