It should be A! Bowen's reaction series where minerals form from magma in predictable patterns! (:
I hope all is well, and you pass! Good luck, rockstar! (:
Its economy runs on recycling and reusing waste. With the amount of money they earn from each industry, it goes to show how much companies could benefit from sustainable waste management systems. ... With 15,000 factories dedicated to recycling and sorting Mumbai's waste, Dharavi employs 250,000 people just for this.
Mountain goats live in the mountains. And highlands are kind of like mountains. ✌️
Ecologists are unsettled on whether or not any truly commensal interactions among organisms take place or not because it depends on the kind of organisms. When a bird makes a nest in a tree and lays eggs, the eggs are definitely safe. This procedure does not harm the tree directly, but it can stop the sunlight from reaching some parts of the tree. This actually shows that the bird has benefited from the situation but the tree has lost out.
A soil's physical and chemical properties affect plant growth and soil management. Some important physical and chemical properties of soil are mineral content, texture, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, structure, porosity, organic matter content, carbon-to-ni- trogen ratio, color, depth, fertility, and pH.