because Wakanda was hiding all the Vibranium....honestly cos it's a third world country, and when they had the chance to a better society, they got enslaved
Non point sources
A point source is usually a single known source of a pollution such as emission of toxic fluids from a company directly into water bodies.
Runoff of eroded soil and chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides from cropland, feedlots, logged forests, urban streets, parking lots, lawns, and golf courses are examples of non point sources as there is no main known source of the pollution.
A lunar eclipse happens on the moon, when the moon sails through the Earth's wide, fat shadow. Then, for a while, no sunlight can reach the moon, because the Earth is in the way. Anybody on the night side of Earth who looks up toward the moon sees it turn dark, until it sails out of the Earth's shadow after an hour or two.
A solar eclipse happens on the Earth, when the narrow end of the moon's skinny shadow falls somewhere on the surface of the Earth. Then, people who are inside that small spot and look up toward the sun can't see it, because the moon is in the way. The moon is moving so fast, and its shadow is so small, that this can only last for a few minutes at any one place.
Chain migration is the social process by which migrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular destination, it assures that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination,the prepared destination may be in another country or in a new location within the same country
Step migration involves the place transition from, for example, rural to central city residence through a series of less extreme locational changes, from farm to small town to suburb, and finally to the major central city itself