ok so first let's discuss what is an allusion an allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning explicitly, so basically for example quoting a movie
so in the situation Dr. King is in hes in Jail trynna motivate the ppl to rise up, and he mentions the Boston tea party because it was against the law BUT the right thing to do because of the taxation
the definitions for quantity are "The amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement. The perceived length of a vowel sound or syllable."
Answer: 9/11 has impacted me greatly. I started spending time with family and friends, I have helped many people with things and I have also had a kid and taught her things about the world and talked to her about 9/11 and now she is also helping other kids in school and she is creating a better environment.
Its important because social distancing is a big part, and also because at home you are more comfortable and can focus better.