Calvinism is based on the belief that individuals do not have a choice in who obtains salvation because it is predestined. ... Lutheranism is founded on the belief that salvation has nothing to do with predestination but is acquired instead by faith. hope that helps love!
Ibn map- 1928
Piri map- 1513
Ptolemy map- 6th century BC 150
Internet map- 2001
He thinks it’s unfair because the term Asian American lumps
Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Cambodian, Indonesian and Indian people all in to
one category. It's pertinent that we
manage ourselves, not merely time. A
personal mission statement focuses on what you want to be and do, it makes you
the leader of your own life.
Option: agricultural surplus
The discovery of agriculture allowed early people to stay in one place. People for the first time were settling in one place rather than engaging in the lifestyle of hunting and gathering. During this period, humans were in a transforming stage, as they were shifting their occupation from hunting-gathering to farming. It was during the Paleolithic Age when human were engage in the practice of hunting and gathering for survival. For food, they were travelling and moving from one place to another. Then came a change in human behaviour which led to agriculture. Neolithic Revolution happened when people for the first time decided to settle down in one place and grow their food.
It is hard to give only one cause to such a big historical event. The decay of empires can be a long duration event with a dozen of causes. However in this case it is safe to say that this set of events has one common fundamental cause: transatlantic slave trade.
The transatlantic slave trade was a long duration event that completely changed internal dynamics of African empires. Although to say that it destroyed Africa's cultural achievements is too much, it certainly impacted the entire continent.
Africa had internal slave trade since long time before the 14th century. This trade however was small and connected with demands internal to states in the continent. When the atlantic trade started and became routine it was big business, the bigger of the modern era: it was a world trade that was responsible for much of the growing of many entire nations.
The last country to abolish slavery was Brazil in 1888. Transatlantic slave trade started in the 1400s with technological developments that improved navegation and ended in mid 1800s.