Attacks from barbarian tribes outside of the empire such as the Visigoths, Huns, Franks, and Vandals. In 285 AD, Emperor Diocletian decided that the Roman Empire was too big to manage. He divided the Empire into two parts, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.
They changed from the use of an unwritten constitution to a written constitution.
A unicameral legislature and an Executive Council was also created.
China was influenced by foreigners politically, socially, and economically during the Ming Dynasty. Missionaries come into China bringing both Christianity and technology. China struggled foreigners influence by kicking out the Mongols. Also, China began to detach itself and limited the foreigners’ trading posts.
Nikolai Novikov was the Soviet Ambassador to the United States in 1946-1947 and he prepared his telegram for Stalin and Molotov.