1. Niccolò Machiavelli
2. Feared
3. Loved
The book The Prince: (Pgs. 88-89) a. Who wrote it? NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI. He was considered to be the father of modern political science. He based his work on the study of classical history and what he saw around him. A good ruler should do whatever it takes to secure and unite his state. The ends justify the means. For a ruler, it is safer to be FEARED than to be LOVED.
To me, as a third-year law student, the correct approach is "living document."
The number one reason for this is that the Constitution was written in the late 1700s. The framers could not have envisioned, let alone written, a document that considered a world with the internet, access to space, etc.
So, our choices are either to have a new Constitutional convention OR adapt the current document.
I choose the latter.