"My blood is the red sea"
meaning My blood is as red as the red sea.
"Thunder is a drum"
Meaning very loud
My cat is a bunny"
meaning very fluffy,
The rainis so slow as if its frozen there
The correct answer among the choices is option C. Pronouns used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of the prepositions are objective case pronouns. There are three types of this case namely direct object, indirect object and the object of a preposition.
They deal with the snake conflict in a very calm and controlled manner.
"The dinner party" written by Mona Gardner is a short story about a dinner with men and women, where men claim that women do not have the same emotional control as men and that at the slightest sign of danger they start screaming. Although the women present disagree, the men continue to defend this argument. At this moment, the American sees that the hostess of the party, which is a woman, speaks very quietly and quietly to a boy. The woman says that there is a snake in the room. When the American sees the snake he is also calm, but he does an experiment to see if people really have the emotional control they claim they have. Upon revealing that there is a snake in the room, some people startle scream. At this point the American states that the first person to see the snake was the hostess and asks her how she perceived the animal's presence. The hostess says the snake was lying on her foot.
As we can see, the woman did not shout at the snake so close to her, which shows that she, like the American, dealt with the conflict very calmly.