Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm.
Answer:you are the imposter you killed red then vented in admin
2. However, even these animals may be prohibited "if their presence is detrimental to park management programs.
sentence uses quotes to show that it is taken directly from a research source
Creditors MUST FOLLOW THE rules. The counselor tells Sara about the rules. The counselor HELPS sara make a plan to PAY her creditors. The counselor WROTE to the creditors. he ASKS them to APPROVE the plan. The creditors AGREES to the plan. The counselor also HELPS Sara make a budge. They DECIDES on how much money Sara needs to LIVE. Sara HAS TO cut down on some of her expenses. For example, she has TAKEN the bus to work-no more taxis. Sara FELT better. She WILL BE ABLE to pay her creditors if she FOLLOWS the plan
I hope I helped! I might make mistakes on a few of them but here's what I got!
By analyzing the structure of this poem, we can see that the poem is composed of six stanzas and thirty lines. Each stanza has a different number of lines, the poem has no rhymes and no punctuation.
The structure of a poem refers to how that poem is organized and how the reader can perceive it as soon as he observes it.
In "The African Pot" we can see a non-standardized and spontaneous structure and this is directly related to the message of the poem, since:
- The poem refers to the daily life of a small African village.
- The events that take place in the village are spontaneous and non-standard, as is the organization of the stanzas and lines of the poem.
- Everything that happens in the village is very simple, nothing is highlighted, as well as the lines of the poem that do not have punctuation or rhymes.
- Despite its simplicity, the village is an admirable place, as is the poem with its simple and tranquil structure.
Based on this, we can conclude that as soon as we look at the structure of the poem, we get the impression that the poet made no effort to present a standard and well-established structure, but soon after we realized that the poet made an effort to make the structure follow the narrative presented in the poem.
You can find more information about poem structure at the link below: