C. The paragraph uses present-tense verbs. No infinitives are used. Sentences 4 and 5 contain gerunds.
Present tenses are tenses we use to talk about events that are taking place at the present time. There are four types of the present tense: present simple, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous. Examples of verbs used in the present tense in the given passage are: <em>depends, help, go, </em>and <em>think.</em>
The infinitive is the base form of a verb. It is usually preceded by <em>to</em>. There are no infinitives in the given passage.
A gerund is a noun derived from a verb by adding -<em>ing </em>to it. Examples of gerunds can be found in sentences 4 and 5: <em>feeling </em>and<em> staying.</em>
When reading a passage that describes a character trying to get out of an extremely dangerous situation, one would expect the author to use Suspense. When the suspense is used in the writing it is tried to maintain the expectation on a resolution or the state of tension in a certain situation. The impatient expectation of the viewer or reader is sought for the development of an action.
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