Answer: Differences: Costumes, in U.S. celebrate his costumes like the independence day 4 of July. In Ecuador Costumes are the 24 of May war. In South America used to make their own medicines with the nature, while in the United States make with diferent types of chemical process in the drugs.
Similarities: Celebrate New year, Christmas and have the same thinking of the science.
Explanation: I think that the answer says all you need to know and this question isn't from spanish, it's from geography.
Terremotos, erupciones volcánicas, tsunamis (maremotos) y huracanes son ejemplos de amenazas que aún no pueden ser intervenidas en la práctica, mientras que inundaciones, sequías y deslizamientos pueden llegar a controlarse o atenuarse con obras civiles de canalización y estabilización de suelos.
Here is what I got as the answer:
Servir —> sirvió