Answer:South Vietnam was overtaken by North Vietnam, and Vietnam became a single communist nation.
The US had been supporting South Vietnam against the communist North Vietnam. Ultimately, US President Richard Nixon proposed drawing down US involvement in the war and seeking "peace with honor," as he put it.
Once the US forces withdrew (after a long, unsuccessful struggle), it was too late for the South Vietnamese to stave off the victory of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. The US withdrew its forces from Vietnam in 1973. By 1975, Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, fell to the North Vietnamese communist forces. South Vietnam unconditionally surrendered to North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. All of Vietnam became united under communist control.
The two specific passages referred to in the question were not provided, but from other sources like the New Georgia Encyclopedia it seems that there is considerable negative effect from the paper mills and that more legislation and oversight is needed to assure that toxins and other by-products are disposed of properly.
The state of Georgia is the largest paper producer in the United States with more than twenty five paper mills operating statewide. They generate $20 billion in revenue for Georgia each year. The largest mills are located near the coast, in Augusta, Brunswick, and Savannah. Historically a dangerous and toxic by-product of papermaking was dioxin, but paper companies have been working to find alternative products to make the manufacturing of paper safer for surrounding communities and the environment. These air emissions often produce the unpleasant odor found in the vicinity of many mills. Additional industrial toxins generated by the papermaking process include mercury and there are many other toxins that is what makes a paper mill smell so strong to people passing by and living in the vicinity. The fishing industry in Georgia has suffered greatly from the by-product pollution caused by the paper mills.
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