It shows an evolution which will alienate him from society for the rest of his life. Indeed, Gulliver has found a race of talking horses that have the perfect society with no crime or vices or any form of corruption. These race of Houyhnhnms is the master of the island and rules over savage, dirty and grotesque humanoid creatures which are called the Yahoos. After spending sometime in the island, Gulliver feels more Houyhnhnm than human and considers humans a backward species. It is to be noted nonetheless, that Gulliver is rescued by a Portuguese captain that is very generous and sensitive and his refusal and disgust to acknowledge this implies that he still has the vice of pride very much ingrained in his nature.
Neither an argument or explanation!!! The answer is online .
Sustenence is the word
the one that feeds my soul
The one that pumps my existence
Sustenence is the nurishment,
that fuels my being
It gives me hope
It gives me courage
It can be love, or perhaps a goodnight's rest
It can be the tender kiss of mum,
or the harsh words of a teacher
For sustience is everything that drives me
Presidant wilison push for the passage of the adasom act to prevent a nationwide railroad strike