The horticulture is the science and management in cultivation of all forms of plants, including fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, or flower.
Floriculture, on the other hand, is the science and management in cultivation of the only flower in particular (which also include most of the ornamental plants because the majority of ornamental plants use flowers)
Answer: Structural Mobiility
Structural Mobiility can be described as changes that enable a whole group of people to either move up or down the economic class ladder.
Structural mobility is attributed to the changes in society or company as a whole, not just personal changes.
The changes done in John's illustration is a social change where a job that can be performed by humans are now performed by robots.
This change negatively affected John and his manufacturing company thereby bringing down John in the economic ladder as he moved down from the Middle class to a lower social class.
Answer: Employers must send the <u>W2 form</u> to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at the end of the year.
The Wage and Tax statement, more commonly known as the W2 form, must be filed by the employers with the IRS by 31st January, irrespective of whether it’s being filed manually (on paper) or electronically.
The employees must also mail or make arrangements to send the W2 form to their employees by the same date.
shift demand and supply for loanable funds to the right (up), increasing interest rates.
According to the Fisher hypothesis when there is an increase in the expected inflation there is an equal increase in nominal interest rates.
As interest rates rise demand and supply for loanable funds will rise. This is illustrated in the attached diagram. Interest rate moves from i0 to i1.
Inflation is a reduction in the purchasing power of money. When inflation increases money regulation agencies reduce supply of money as a way to reduce price increase. This in turn reduces the amount of loanable funds commercial banks have to give out