Income Tax liability is $64,575
After Tax Income is $245,425
Marginal Tax Rate : 21%
Average Tax Rate: 18.72% approx
Income Tax liability is computed on the net income. Net Income is arrived at by deducting interest expenses and dividends paid and adding up taxable dividend received to taxable operating income.
Therefore, Net Income = Operating Income - interest charges - dividends paid + 50% of dividends received.
Net Income = $345,000 - 30,000 - 10,000 + 2500
Net Income = $ 307,500
Tax Liability = $307,500 × 21% = $64,575
After tax income = Net Income - Tax liability + Dividend exempt from tax
After Tax Income = $307,500 - 64,575 + 2500 = 2,45,425
Marginal Tax Rate is defined as the percentage of tax rate applied to one's income for each tax bracket in which one qualifies.
Marginal Tax Rate = 
Marginal Tax Rate = 
Marginal Tax Rate = 21%
Average Tax Rate = 
Average Tax Rate =
Average Tax Rate = 18.72% approx.