Keep their movement high on order to maintain attention of the Council. Maintain eye contact with individuals. Have a stern voice. Memorize or be very very familiar with their speech. Talk to the crowd, not the ground.
Hope this helps! There wasn't any options to choose from so this is from person experience in giving speeches.
a] <u>Let </u>us <u>go shopping.</u> The <u>shops</u> should not<u> be crowded.</u> Monday morning
<u>is quiet.</u>
(b) Wouldn't it <u>be better</u> to roll up the <u>carpet</u> before you<u> paint</u> the
(c) She <u>asked </u>what she should <u>do </u> if any <u>letters came while</u> I <u>was</u> away
(d) If I should <u>find </u>your notebook, I<u> will give </u>you a <u>ring.</u>
(e) If you could <u>wait</u> a moment, I shall <u>come </u>with you.