To whom thy secret thou dost tell, to him thy freedom thou dost sell.
An aphorism is a saying, proverb, or maxim that expresses a general truth or life principle. They are also taken, at times, as mottos or ideals of life.
The given aphorism <em>"Be careful to whom you tell your secrets because they can betray you" </em>can be best expressed by the saying <em>"to whom thy secret thou dost tell, to him thy freedom thou dost sell"</em>. This sentence expresses the same sentiment of being careful about telling one's secrets to anyone, for it is the same as giving them the keys to one's happiness or sadness, one's freedom. <em><u>They can either keep the secret and give you freedom or reveal the secrets and ruin you</u></em>.
Thus, the correct answer is the last/ fourth option.
D. Both are tools for linking pieces of information at different online locations.
It is constituent because this is a voting member of a community they elect on problems
To kept will from finding the signs
Answer: I personally feel like if a person is bold enough to go in the wild then they should already know how they feel.
Explanation: that just maybe me