Dialing 211 helps direct callers to services for, among others, the elderly, the disabled, those who do not speak English, those with a personal crisis, those with limited reading skills, and those who are new to their communities.
<h2>Answer with Explanation </h2>
To discover average you include the scores from each subject and afterward separate them by what number of various numbers you have. An example is shown below, like if there were three subjects who got different scores. The next step would be to add the score of all subjects.
- 1+2+3=6
After adding the total sum will be divided by the number of students.
- 6/3=2
When you have the midpoints of all subjects over the 4 years, the one that is most noteworthy will be answer.
Answer: According to General Tommy Franks, the objectives of the invasion were, "First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein. Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that country.