legislature controls power; Prime Minister; leader answers to legislature; elections held if leader is forced to resign, these four characteristic are found in the federal presidential republics.
A negative effect on the international trade for Paraguay can be that it doesn't have any access to the ocean waters.
Paraguay is a South American country, located in the central part of the continent. Unlike the majority of the South American countries, Paraguay is one of the two countries that are landlocked, alongside Bolivia. This puts Paraguay is a worse situation when it comes to international trade, as it is dependent on its neighbors for it.
Because Paraguay lacks access to the ocean, it is forced to subjugate to a certain point to its neighboring countries. If the relations are good, there are no disputes, and there is collaboration, than Paraguay can trade through the ports of its neighbors, thus the political system has to be on spot. If the situation is the other way around, Paraguay can simply be blocked by sanctions or embargo and it will affect terribly ts economy.
The countries that surround Paraguay and through which it has access to the ocean are:
- Brazil (has access to the ocean)
- Argentina (has access to the ocean)
- Bolivia (landlocked)
Learn more about the political system of Paraguay
When the velocity of wind or water slows, eroded sediment is deposited in a new location. The sediment builds up in a process called sedimentation and creates fertile land. River deltas are made almost entirely of sediment that has eroded from the banks and bed of a river.
There are many landscape features specifically associated with rivers: V shaped Valleys - particularly in their upper parts, rivers often form V-shaped valleys whereas glaciers commonly form U-shaped valleys. The V-shaped valley is created by erosion. Meanders - the curves or bends of a river.
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Rocks found on different mountains are different ages.
Radiometric dating of rocks and fossil records gives scientists an idea of the timelines of certain organisms. Fossils of long dead species found in different strata of rocks can be used to speculate the age and changes these organisms have experienced overtime.
Fossils found in the uppermost strata are indicative of organisms that died not quite long whereas fossils found in lower layers are indicate of organisms that died a long while ago. These studies also provide insight into the changes that the earth has experienced overtime.