The answer to the question: What is the final goal of Buddhists in their practice of religion, would be: To reach Nirvana and to be freed from the cycles of rebirth which arise when a person has not been able to free himself/herself from the three poisons that drive rebirth: passion, aversion and ignorance.
Buddhism is not just a religion, but also a way of life for those who practice, and believe in it. Essentially, Buddhists believe that people are part of a cycle of rebirth, of coming back to life on Earth, over and over, because they are in the process of purging those factors that tie them still to it. As such, Buddhism teaches the pathways that need to be followed in order to reach total enlightment and a freedom from these ties. Once those ties are removed, a person may reach one of the two types of Nirvana: Nirvana with a remainder, and final Nirvana. The Buddha, and those who attain liberation from the cycles of rebirth, are the only ones who have reached this final Nirvana, and this is where most Buddhists aim to go.