Pharming involves redirecting users to a fraudulent website even when the user has typed in the correct address in the web browser. An individual can accomplish this by changing the hosts file of the web address that the user is trying to access or by exploiting a DNS server error. Both of which will allow the individual to convince the victim that they are accessing the website that they were trying to access, but instead they have been redirected to a website that looks identical but is owned by the individual. The victim then enters their valuable and private information into the website and the individual can see it all and use it as they wish. Usually, this is done to steal banking information.
def to_pig_latin(word):
new_word = word[1:] + word[0] + "ay"
return new_word
Create a function called to_pig_latin that takes one parameter, word
Inside the function, create a new_word variable and set it to the characters that are between the second character and the last character (both included) of the word (use slicing) + first character of the word + "ay". Then, return the new_word.
Call the to_pig_latin function twice, first pass the "hello" as parameter, and then pass the "latin" as parameter
To build trust among search engines, authority needs to be demonstrated not just in a website's content, but how the site is perceived by other authoritative sites. ... Garnering links from authoritative sites like social networks, directories and other sources will improve trust.
" is the correct response.
- Technology that routing desktop computers (clients) demand information to the computer within a LAN.
- The redirector software is introduced to the Computer in something like a Windows network that intercepts or captures requests for documents as well as printers, however if necessary, direct those to just the correct connected system.