- person working a part time job but seeking full time employment
-had a job but earns low wages
-people that have large families
-member of family with serious health issue
Payment id received for merchanise sold on account
a. social
Social trends are the trends and habits of the consumers which they tend to display any product. It includes the data and information about the behavior of the customers and their communication related to the product they purchase. The trends of the consumers help the business to flourish more effectively among the consumers.
The correct answer is: asynchronous communication.
Asynchronous communication is the type of communication that is deferred among people, meaning it does not match in time. In other words, it takes place when a message is sent without the expectation of an immediate response. Within the work frame, a is being promoted rather than synchronous communication because the latter allows small chat or informal communication to be spread.
The answer is letter A.
Determining salesperson targets and incentives is a preproduction service in a value chain that requires forecasts to gain customers in the value chain.