Is there a word box for these?
Fang and Max are partners who frequently confide in each other and have each other's back Fang shows an understanding of Max's personality and when upset she often confides in him and he can calm her down their later relationships later develop into love .
<em><u>maybe </u></em><em><u>this </u></em><em><u>was </u></em><em><u>ur </u></em><em><u>answer </u></em><em><u>or </u></em><em><u>it </u></em><em><u>might</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>be </u></em><em><u>wrong </u></em><em><u>too</u></em>
D. You use semi colons when you could’ve stopped the sentence but the author decided not to so both sides of the semicolon make a sentence
1. Fear. Many victims fear the consequences of reporting their abusers.
2. Love. Many victims are abused by people who they care deeply for, and the abuser typically pretends like they care deeply for the victim. This causes a vicious cycle of violence, apologies, and forgiveness.
Purpose: Share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your
life goals, or your character for the better.
view about life, your
List possible topics. Consider important objects, special days, and high and low points as you brainstorm.