Two maps of Florida are shown. One shows per capita personal income in 2003. Red, brown, yellow and light to dark green shades r
epresent various income levels, Red represents the highest income level, while green is the lowest. Distribution of income level across the state is random in appearance. The second map shows Democratic versus Republican voting results in the state of Florida for 2008 Presidential election. Light and dark red counties represent Republican won areas. Light and dark blue counties represent Democratic won areas. The distribution of Republican v. Democratic won counties is random in appearance. Public Domain Based on the maps, what could you say about the relationship between income level and voting in Florida? People in lower income districts are less likely to vote in presidential elections, There is no apparent relationship between the income level and voting habits. Lower income districts tend to vote more heavily Republican. Higher income districts tend to be more heavily Democratic. You must check the box below prior to submitting your exam! Check this box to indicate you are ready to submit your exam [Explorer] [Toolbox] [Workload] [My Folders] Current course: FDK371.10
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