Let us choose Extra study. Knowing that opportunity cost is related to the opportunities lost by choosing one specific course of events than others. By choosing an extra study and spend hours studying something, my opportunity cost will be the school sports practice hours that could be spent in this time. Another opportunity cost would be the social interaction, in a club, for example, lost because of the extra study decision.
The Cuban Missile Crisis is an intelligence failure, which almost led to a global nuclear war. HUMINT and COMINT under Kennedy failed to confirm the true intentions of Soviet Union towards Cuba. It was also a failure on Kennedy's part not to understand the point of view of the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
"<span>d. Al-Qaeda members are a small group of religious zealots who won't compromise their convictions" would be the best option from the list, since they in no way reflect the views of the majority of Muslims. </span>
That they are ppl in the society too and that they should feel respected when they walk into the public