They were seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the pilgrims in 1600s looking for freedom.
Push factors: Push factors are those factors that force an individual to leave a place. If not left the individual will have to risk something. some examples of push factors are Famine, drought, conflict or extreme religious activity.
Pull factors: pull factors are those factors that attract an individual or group to leave their home. It is the desirability of a place that attracts, also, called place utility. Better job opportunity, Better Economic activity and better living standards are are some factors in pull factor.
The correct answer is B. I hope this helps! Best of luck to you! :)
there are dire consequences to what our society has done with natural resources we use them so much that they are slowly depleting especially fossil fuels that pollute the air .
in order to improve this we can use alternative fuels and recycle the things we use made from the natural resources
I don't know about Texas Ocelots, because I've never heard of them before, but most ocelots live in rainforests, or even sometimes deserts