no savo yo no mas nesicito los puntos
yup i will yup i will yup i will yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil yup i wil
Answer: A picture is often assessed in relation to visible reality. ... ... A photograph shows this relationship to reality perfectly: it shows the reality set before the lens just as it is, without human interference.
Answer:The agricultural revolution was to do with farming techniques, new kinds of crops, land and livestock management, This all led to an increased food supply and therefore a significant population increase.It began in Britain around the beginning of the 18th century.
The industrial revolution had to do with harnessing new energy sources and using them to power machines.It led to a growth in urban development as people moved from the countryside to the towns to work in the new factories built to utilise the new machines for faster,mass production.It began towards the end of the 18th century in Britain,The workers to make the factories viable businesses came from the population increase started by the agricultural revolution.
So, the agricultural revolution was to do with land,crops,and animals, in the countryside.
The industrial revolution was to do with mechanical and chemical power and machines,in the factories and cities. Sorry it was so long, I didn't know how else to explain it . :)
the hands are to big..............
but funny photograph