Increased level of education and focus on careers--as women have the ability to have relationships but also provide for themselves, marriage is not a necessary option.
Birth control and access to college education has allowed women to focus on careers instead of family. They are able to still have successful lives but not have to worry about balancing a career and a family.
C, it's mainly how their genetical system works given from their Biological parents.
Answer: C. People of a higher social class are more likely to receive good medical care
Explanation: This is the theory given by Karl Marx, the creator of communist ideology, according to which, in capitalist relations and in a market economy, there is a constant conflict over limited resources. Such a social order, according to Marx, is based on the exploitation of workers by the capitalists and thus gaining profit, and such an order can only be maintained by the domination of the ruling class. This is accomplished through a demonstration of force and power because such a system is not natural, according to Marx.
In such a system, where members of the upper classes have capital, power and influence, they will surely have privilege in all areas of life, even in medical care, that is, they are more likely to receive a good medical care. It is likely that members of the upper classes will also live longer because they have many other benefits than medical care, which all contribute to a better quality of life. But if we have to opt for one answer, it is certain that medical care is what conflicts theory advocates as a benefit to the upper classes. According to Marx, the upper classes, that is, the owners of the capital, are the ones who determine the laws, have influence on the structures of government, so all state benefits will surely go to them, and not to everyone, as envisioned in the socialist system.
Correct answer is option d. increased real returns to capital in France and increased real wages in Italy.
The Heckscher-Ohlin model demonstrates that the comparative advantage is determined by the interaction between a country's resources, the relative abundance of production factors, and technology. It is the interaction between abundance and intensity with which these resources are exploited the source of comparative advantages.