Both domestic and external factors contributed to sub-Saharan Africa's poor overall economic performance in the 1980s and early 1990s. Key constraints to growth included inappropriate economic policies, inadequate human capital development, and low levels of private investment.
The start of WWII. WWI was a very big cause of WWII. WWI led to depressions in Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union, and many more places which in turn caused powerful people to rise in many different countries. These countries in which a person of power rose each had some part in the start of WWII.
Really harsh. They suffered through a lot of hardship and pain throughout the years through many suffereings such as being killed and tortured and died rights.
The Third Punic War was the last Punic war fought between Carthage and Rome, and ended with the "Roman capture and defeat of Carthage" along with other territorial gains for Rome.