(Answers will vary)
Carnaval se celebra antes del período de Cuaresma. En Ecuador el Carnaval se celebra con desfiles. Las personas usan disfraces, además cantan y bailan mientras caminan por las calles. En las celebraciones de Carnaval participan personas de todas las edades. Es una celebración muy pintoresca y colorida.
Most of these questions were already in present tense but here they are in English. 1. We drink many soft drinks.
2. You listen to the professor.
3.She speaks English with her family.
4. We write letters.
5.They have not invoiced luggage
But here are just a few. I hope I helped you better with this.
An ejido land is divided into the user are organized into work teams to till the land the work team the orange zone in January the blue zone in February in March and April the purple zone in May June and July the green zone and the rest of the year the red zone
1. Humilde el plural humildes
2. divertida el plural divertidas
3. suave el plural suaves
4. sucia el plural sucia
5. dulce el plural dulces
6. agradable el plural agradables
7. sabio el plural es sabios
8. hermosa el plural es hermosas
9. peludo el plural es peludos
10. azul el plural es azules