We can see Greek family values based on Penelope who waited for Odysseus for 10 years to come home and did not want to marry any of the suitors. His Son is also always on his side and believes that he'll come back. Even his dog is faithful and is one of the rare Ithacians who recognizes him.
There is a subtle factor of Incomprehensiveness, also an inability to recognize his surroundings and appreciate them.
appeals to the audience's ethics
i got it right so thats 100% right:)
Answer: Dr. Seward had observed that the Renfield is a lucid.
Renfield used to collect flies and spiders. Steward had appointed a guard outside Renfield's cell to observe and regulate the aberrant behavior.
One night when Renfield screamed from his cell, Seward observed that he was badly hurt. His face was brutally beaten. He realized that Renfield cannot himself inflict wounds on his face, as his back was broken.