The answer is - Sunspots.
Sunspots are dark in appearance, but only on a visible light, and this is due to the fact that they are much cooler than the surrounding areas, but that doesn't mean by any means that the sunspots are cool, on contrary, they are very hot too. Sunspots actually are storms that appear in the lower atmosphere of the sun.
different rock groups are interrelated
rocks change from one type to another in a specific order
and environmental conditions influence a change in rock type
E. Mineral content
Viscosity is an internal property of a fluid that offers resistance to flow, the nature of volcanic eruptions is highly dependent on magma viscosity and also on dissolved gas content (dissolved gases become trapped by thick magma and the magma chamber begins to build pressure).
The viscosity of magma is controlled by the size of the molecules that comprise it.
<em>Felsic lava contains elements of small size (sodium and aluminum), these elements form polymers and large crystalline macromolecules like silica, the more extensive silicate chain molecules the more viscous the magma becomes, this happens because larger molecules have stronger intermolecular bonds preventing movement and spreading. </em>
Mafic and ultramafic lava, on the other hand, have lower viscosities, also contain lower quantities of silica and aluminum and are rich in magnesium oxide, which does not form large molecular structures, therefore lava flows smoothly, unrestricted by intermolecular forces.
I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!
<em>"the event was a paradigm shift and scientific revolution. by 1966 most scientists in geology accepted the theory of plate tectonics. the root of this was Alfred Wegener's 1912 publication of his theory of continental drift, which was a controversy in the field through the 1950s"</em>
The two largest metropolitan areas in Canada are Toronto and Montreal. Toronto has the highest population density of 2.8 million people, followed by Montreal, which has the population density of 1.74 million people. The remaining cities of Canada have significantly lower population densities.