A desert is a region on the earth surface with little to no rainfall all year round. Deserts also experience a wide range of temperatures daily. During the day, temperature is very high, at night, temperature falls rapidly and it is cold.
These extremes of conditions coupled with some other factors makes deserts badlands for plant growth. The soil is very lose here and contains little to no nutrients. Organic matter is non-existent due to low biodiversity.
Plants that grow in such conditions are called xerophytes. An example is cactus. They have evolved to survive and adapt to such extremes of conditions.
Examples of such deserts around the world are Sahara desert, Namib desert, Atacama desert, Kalahari desert etc.
Rivers were overflowing causing flooding, then they built another river, so this resulted in moving the temple so it is not continually flooding.
The weight% of in augite is 13.16 %.
Atomic mass of calcium = 40 g/mol
Atomic mass of iron = 56 g/mol
Atomic mass of magnesium = 24 g/mol
Atomic mass of sodium = 23 g/mol
Atomic mass of aluminum = 27 g/mol
Atomic mass of silicon = 28 g/mol
Atomic mass of oxygen = 16 g/mol
Mass of
Molar mass of the augite = M
Weight% of in augite:
Active Cell An active cell refers to the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet. It can be identified by a bold (typically blue) outline that surrounds the cell. The standard …