You are correct. the right answer is B.
D.That Roosevelt was trying to lead them into a war they didn't want or need.
United states had a couple of reasons that prompted them to stay neutral during the war;
American policy and opinion held among the majority of people were one of neutrality and isolationism.
Hitler was Europe's problem and not America's. Even though Americans sympathized with the Allies, most felt unease of assistance and American intervention.
By waiting to enter, Us politicians had bigger aspirations that would benefit the USA after Hitler's defeat. This includes an agreement that if America was to side with the Allies, the British Empire would cease to exist after the war, and de-colonization would therefore open up their overseas markets to American investment and trade. Among other reasons off course.
Evolution and Survival
In The War of the Worlds, Wells explores the extremes of what is possible under evolution and natural selection. Compared to humans, the Martians are highly advanced in their technology, suggesting that their evolutionary history is also longer than that of humans. Although the narrator says they “may be descended from beings not unlike” humans, it’s clear the Martians are much further along in their process of evolution than humans.